Film is my passion, but at the end of the day, this is a business. That means working within a budget, delivering on time, and focusing on client satisfaction.

When I graduated Boston University with a degree in film, I had a lot of film production knowledge and no practical life skills. So instead of jumping straight into the film industry to face long odds, I took a different route. I started a small media business in the Boston Area until I could sell it for a profit and pursue some new interests from a corporate perspective. I grew my career in Corporate America for 15 years, managing ever larger projects and teams. But eventually it stopped being exciting. Being a Corporate America soldier was never really my dream, I had just become comfortable with it.

With the onset of Covid, everything got turned upside down. Now the “practical” career choice started looking less practical and I had to confront the reality that I never really pursued my real dream: Film. So I left my corporate career behind and started Borah Media, a video production company.

I’ve invested heavily in state-of-the-art technology and spent a year on R&D for optimizing filming technique so my clients can feel confident that they’re getting the best quality work with Borah Media. Plus, with my extensive experience in Corporate America, I’ve developed a budget-conscious, deadline driven approach to producing my clients’ vision. Although artistic in its nature, at the end of the day this is a business built around client satisfaction.